About Us

Frontier Nations is a missions coalition made up of churches, individuals and mission organizations united by the common goal of making disciples of nations within the 10/40 Window, where 96% of all unreached people of the world reside. We concentrate our efforts on this region, partnering with the global church to bring the good news to those who have never heard it.

What Drives Us

Jesus commanded, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). The term “nations” in this verse is translated from the Greek word “ethne”, which is more accurately rendered as “peoples” or “people groups.” There are over 6,000 unreached people groups globally, comprising one-third of the world’s population, who have little to no access to the message of Jesus.

Frontier Nations focuses on the 10/40 Window — an area spanning North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, roughly between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. This region is critical because 96% of the world’s unreached people live there, yet only 3.3% of missionaries are sent to this region. Furthermore, just 0.0005% of all mission funding is directed towards the 10/40 Window. Frontier Nations was established to address these challenges. As Hudson Taylor once said, “Every work of God has three stages: First it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” We believe in raising awareness and mobilizing the global Christian community. We do this through education, strategic partnerships, and grassroots initiatives. We also use innovative approaches like Business as Mission (BAM). By doing so, we can see the Gospel reach the most unreached places in the 10/40 window.

Our Beginnings

Founded in 2024, Frontier Nations started with a small group of churches, missionaries, and business leaders committed to changing the statistics outlined above. We identified key strategies to help the gospel reach the 10/40 Window: Business As Mission (see our BAM/Frontier Ventures page), training the next generation and the Global South to engage in Business As Mission, and significantly increasing mission giving to the 10/40 Window.

Our Vision

We envision a future where church planting through Business As Mission is both effective and widespread. We dream of a day when at least 50% of the mission force is focused on the 10/40 Window and when more than 50% of all mission funding is directed to reach people in this region. Ultimately, we look forward to a time when so many people groups within the 10/40 Window have been reached that the designation becomes obsolete, and we focus on the last remaining groups before the return of Jesus Christ. That day is drawing nearer.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us. You can either fill out this contact form or email us at contact@frontiernations.org