Frontier Ventures

Frontier Ventures is the Business missional arm of Frontier Nations. The purpose of Frontier Ventures is to empower and equip Christian entrepreneurs to make a positive spiritual and economic impact in areas lacking a Christian witness.

Business As Mission is a re-emerging strategy that will be the prominent missional strategy over in the next 10 to 20 years. It is difficult to succinctly define due to its many forms but there are certain true characteristics that unite the strategy:

Business as Mission (BAM) is the intentional integration of cross-cultural business and ministry that:

  • Enables relational gospel proclamation
  • Focuses on holistic transformation of employees and communities
  • Is concerned for the unreached people groups
  • Is committed to profitability and sustainability

At Frontier Nations we are all about making disciples of Jesus. This requires discipleship and multiplication, which Jesus designed the Church to fill that need. Churches multiplying and discipling disciples is known as church planting. Therefore, Frontier Nations has 3 foundational goals: To obey Jesus (Matt 28:19), be pro Church, and pro church planting.

Here are 11 reasons that we believe BAM can be an effective church planting model.

  1. Access: Over 6,000 people groups are still considered unengaged or unreached and are located in countries where the governments do not grant visas to missionary organizations. (These are often known as “restricted access nations”.) However, we believe that with legitimate professional identities there is no such thing as a closed country.
  2. Secure and solid foundation to do Church Planting: When your professional identity is secure, you have confidence to proclaim Christ boldly, thus empowering church planting.
  3. Credibility with host people: Doing real business allows you to gain acceptance and respect with a community so that the love, truth and power of Christ can shine out of you every day.
  4. Identify: Because we are working on a local business, this allows the nationals to identify with us and connect with us because we are going through similar struggles and challenges. We can also better identify with them as we work amongst them.
  5. Modelling: 2 Thess 3:7 – 9 “For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, labouring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate.” Non-Christians get to see firsthand what a Christian is like. We model to them what it means to be in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We also get to model to new believers how a Christian should work to provide for his family while at the same time using every opportunity to throughout the day to share the love, truth and power of God.
  6. People of Peace: BAM provides missionaries with natural and bountiful ways to meet and connect with potential people of peace that God has prepared in the local community from the poorest of the poor to leaders in the government.
  7. Holistic Transformation: BAM brings spiritual transformation, and also economic, social, and even environmental transformation.
  8. Sustainability: Teach a man to fish principle. BAM reuses initial capital investment again and again in ways typical mission giving does not.
  9. Incorporating business people into the missions world: BAM opens a door for all types of people to be involved in reaching the unreached, not just the trained seminary worker.
  10. Security: the world understands money, the world respects jobs, and the majority of the world is poor and in search of jobs. When we do legitimate business, we make it very difficult on governments to kick us out. They allow us to operate because of the blessing we are to the community.
  11. Biblically & historically successful: We find BAM throughout the New Testament and it has been used throughout history in taking the Gospel to the least reached.

Frontier Nations works with aspiring or entrenched missional entrepreneurs to build the following essential pieces of a BAM:

  1. Strong Business Idea – a tested idea that has the potential for growth & impact
  2. Accountability – oversight guided by one-on one mentorship with Frontier Nations business leaders
  3. Business Plan – a thorough playbook that can be executed by the champion and their team
  4. Capital – suitable initial capital that will fuel a successful launch

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